Divine Comedy

  • Duration_ June.2017-July.2017(1 week) 
  • Institution_ Tongji University DigitalFUTURE   
  • Instructor_ Chengyu Sun, Jeff Loomis 
  • Collaborator_ Yuan Feng, Qin Xiong, Qing Yu, Guojun Han

Divina Commedia

The Divine Comedy(Divina Commedia) is a long Italian narrative poem by Dante Alighieri. The objective here is to interpret the poem into a space which we human never experience before.


©Gustave DoréQuinci fuor quete le lanose gote al nocchier de la livida palude, che ’ntorno a li occhi avea di fiamme rote. So out of here the woolly cheeks to the helmsman of the livid swamp, who had flames round his eyes. Divina Commedia/Inferno/Ca…

©Gustave Doré

Quinci fuor quete le lanose gote al nocchier de la livida palude, che ’ntorno a li occhi avea di fiamme rote.

So out of here the woolly cheeks to the helmsman of the livid swamp, who had flames round his eyes.

Divina Commedia/Inferno/Canto III


©Gustave DoréPoi pinse l’uscio a la porta sacrata, dicendo: “Intrate; ma facciovi accorti che di fuor torna chi ’n dietro si guata”.Then he pinned the door to the sacred door, saying: "Go in; but be aware that he who is behind comes back from outsid…

©Gustave Doré

Poi pinse l’uscio a la porta sacrata, dicendo: “Intrate; ma facciovi accorti che di fuor torna chi ’n dietro si guata”.

Then he pinned the door to the sacred door, saying: "Go in; but be aware that he who is behind comes back from outside.

Divina Commedia/Purgatorio/Canto IX


©Gustave Dorécosì vid’ ïo la gloriosa rota muoversi e render voce a voce in tempra e in dolcezza ch’esser non pò nota.Thus I saw the glorious rail move and render voice to voice in temper And in sweetness that to be not known. Divina Commedia/Paradi…

©Gustave Doré

così vid’ ïo la gloriosa rota muoversi e render voce a voce in tempra e in dolcezza ch’esser non pò nota.

Thus I saw the glorious rail move and render voice to voice in temper And in sweetness that to be not known.

Divina Commedia/Paradiso/Canto X






1. Modeling the scene is the first step to translate an imagination to digital world. 2. Baking the scene by VRay ensured the frame rate in VR is over 60 without dizziness. 3. The VR platform Worldviz owns a friendly coding environment of Python and…
  • 1. Modeling the scene is the first step to translate an imagination to digital world.

  • 2. Baking the scene by VRay ensured the frame rate in VR is over 60 without dizziness.

  • 3. The VR platform Worldviz owns a friendly coding environment of Python and the interaction can easily created with codes.

  • 4. The user interacts with the visual world by the controller.


Divina Commedia


Integrated Tectonics